Hongxing Qin, Songshan Zhang, Baoquan Chen. PointSkelCNN: Deep Learning-based 3D Human Skeleton Extraction from Point Clouds. Pacific Graphics 2020,39(7), 363-374.( CCF_B)­­­­
Hongxing Qin, Jia Han, Ning Li, Hui Huang, Baoquan Chen. Mass-driven Topology-aware Curve Skeleton Extraction from Incomplete Point Clouds. IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020,26(9): 2805-2817. (CCF_A)­­­­
Hongxing Qin, Yi Chen, Jinlong He, Baoquan Chen. Wasserstein blue noise sampling. ACM Transaction on Graphics, 2017, 36(4), 1-14.(SIGGRAPH 2017) (CCF_A)­­­­
Hongxing Qin, Yi Chen, Yunhai Wang, Kangkang Yin, Hui Huang. Laplace-Beltrami Operator on Point Clouds Based on Anisotropic Voronoi Diagram. Computer Graphics Forum, 2018, 37(6), 106-117. (CCF_B)
Hongxing QIN, Jinlong He, Menghui Wang, Yu Dai, Zhiyong Ran. A Gradient-Domain Based Geometry Processing Framework for Point Clouds. Journal of Computer Science and Technology: 2018, 33(4) ,863-872. (CCF_B)
Hongxing Qin, Jie Yang, Yuemin Zhu. Nonuniform Bilateral filtering for Point Sets and Surface Attributes. The Visual Computer, 2008. 24(12), 1067-1074. (CCF_C)
Hongxing Qin, Bin, Ye Rui He. The Voxel Visibility Model: an Efficient Framework for Transfer Function Design. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 40(3), 138-146, 2015
Hongxing Qin, XiaoYang Hong, Bin Xiao, Shaoting Zhang, Guoyin Wang. Blue noise sampling method based on mixture distance. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 3(6), 063015 (2014).
Xiaoliang Li, Hongxing Qin, Jie Yang and Yuemin Zhu, Fractal volume rendering. IEEE International Coference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing(ICASSP2006), Toulouse, France, 2006
Hongxing Qin, Jie Yang, Yuemin Zhu. Novel meshless anisotropic diffusion model for point set processing. Optical Engineering, 47(4), Article Number: 047005, 2008.(SCI)
Hongxing Qin, Jie Yang, Yuemin Zhu. A feature-preserving filtering algorithm for point set surface and functions based on robust estimation. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 25(4),1135-1146,2009.(SCI)
Zhennan Yan, Shaoting Zhang, Chaowei Tan, Hongxing Qin, Boubakeur Belaroussi, Hui Jing Yu, Colin Miller, Dimitris Metaxas. Atlas-based Liver Segmentation and Hepatic Fat-fraction Assessment for Clinical Trials. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 41(4), 80-92, 2015.(SCI)
B Xiao, J Cui, H Qin, W Li, G Wang. Moments and moment invariants in the radon space. Pattern Recognition. 2015.(CCF B)