姓 名: 李东晖
性 别: 男
职 称: 讲师(硕导)
职 务:
电 话:
办公地点: 主教1726
E-mail: lidonhui@163.com
研究方向: 图像编码,数据压缩
招生信息: 年度招收硕士3名,招收计算机等专业。
1. 李东晖,基于上下文的黑白散斑图像压缩,激光与光电子学进展,2018年第12期,pp.121010
2. DongHui Li,Improved compression efficiency of lossless compression of laser speckle images by subpixel-accuracy displacement estimation. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2011年第4期,pp.631-636
3. 李东晖,基于散斑相关的数字激光散斑图像无失真压缩,中国激光,2010年第2期,pp.484-487
4. DongHui Li,Lossless compression of laser speckle images by the fuzzy logic,2009 International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, ICWAPR 2009,pp.62-65
5. DongHui Li, Li Guo, Kalman filtering techniques for reducing dispersion of digital speckle displacement measurement noise, Chinese Optics Letters ,Vol. 4, No. 8, 2006, pp.453-456
6. DongHui Li, Li Guo, Tracking speckle movement by double Kalman filtering, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 4 No. 7, 2006, pp.382-385
7. DongHui Li, Li Guo, Tian Qiu, Digital speckle displacement measurement by a thresholding technique, Proceedings of SPIE , vol.6150 , 2006.4, pp.6150591- 6150597
8. DongHui Li, Li Guo, Tian Qiu, Digital speckle displacement measurement by fuzzy logic correlation, Proceedings of SPIE , vol.6150, 2006.4, pp. 61505A1- 61505A6
1. Li Guo, Tian Qiu, Donghui Li, Jun Liu, Ting Gong, Yuan Kong,Speckle-based two-dimensional motion tracking,Application number: 11/272,415 U.S. Classification:345166000